venerdì 21 novembre 2008

New Italian Bakery in Shanghai - Nuova tappa per il made in italy del food in Cina fra cornetti a mezzanotte e pizza al metro

Mollica Di Pane Italian Bakery Grand Opening 
That’s AMORE Grand Re-Opening 
November 26, 2008


 Morano brothers, creator and owner, of That’s AMORE Italian Restaurant, are proud to introduce their latest concept, Mollica Di Pane, China’s first authentic Italian Bakery. 

Convenient located on the first floor of Taikang Rd 200, near Sinan Rd, this new concept of bakery is the perfect place for busy shoppers, tourists and passers by who can stop by here to taste or buy their favorite, fresh Italian bread and pastries among the wide range of choice available. A third generation Italian baker will be in charge of preparing these freshly baked products.  Mollica Di Pane stands apart from other bakeries for using only the best imported ingredients and for following traditional recipes and baking techniques.

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As the manager states, “Mollica Di Pane” means “the heart of the bread” and represents the secret of a well cooked Italian bread.” 

One exceptional Italian feature is “a lievitazione naturale”, a special bread preparation using a natural rising method without machinery.  Another specialty is the high quality Italian imported food and wines on sale in the bakery.

This bakery is not only a great place in the afternoon but it is also a wonderful destination for the late night crowds in the weekend.   Mollica Di Pane features “cornetti by night”, an Italian traditional late night snack; with a cappuccino it is the perfect bite for clubbers or for late night hunger cravings. On weekends the bakery is open 24 hours. 

The newly renovated That’s AMORE Italian Restaurant, on the fifth floor of the same building, is also celebrating a Grand Re-opening.  The restaurant has various new features for new and regular customers including a beautiful renovated terrace overlooking Taikang Lu.

That’s AMORE Italian Restaurant is not a new comer in the Shanghai dining scene. It opened its doors five years ago bringing to this city fresh authentic Italian cuisine.  The restaurant has a strong Italian heritage since it is entirely owned and managed by Italians.

Italian Chef Andrea prepares traditional Italian cuisine specialties, making pastas from scratch and baking pizzas in one of the few original wood-fire ovens in Shanghai.  One featured favorite is the “meter pizza”, a one meter long pizza served on a wooden bread board. Another specialty is the absolutely fresh seafood: Mediterranean tuna, sea bream, and sea bass are delivered every Friday by flight.  This fresh fish choice is only available on the weekend so reservations are highly recommended.

The official grand opening of Mollica di Pane bakery and the Reopening of That’s AMORE Italian Restaurant for media and Vip will take place Wednesday, November 26th, and for the Public is on Thursday, November 27th.

Mollica di Pane – That`s Amore Italian Restaurant

1st floor/5th floor, 200 Taikang Lu, near Sinan Lu

Mollica di Pane Tel: 021-54652069, 54652095 
That’s Amore Italian Restaurant Tel: 021-64720925



Mollica Di Pane 
That's Amore餐厅重新开业庆典

继著名的That’s AMORE餐厅成功运营多年,老板Morano兄弟俩又开始涉足西点业,新开一家纯正的意大利式面包房Mollica Di Pane,为中国的朋友们带来纯正地道的意式面点烘培艺术。

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即将开业的Mollica Di Pane坐落于泰康路200号的一楼,近思南路。附近往来的购物者、游客或就近办公的白领都可以来此小憩片刻,在品种多样的意式风味糕点中点上几样,享受新鲜出炉的意大利风味的面包糕点。店里所有西点均出自正宗意大利烘培世家第三代后裔,并且所有糕点的制作过程严格遵循意大利传统配方以及制作工艺,再配合使用品质卓越、源自意大利的进口食材,使得Mollica Di Pane能保证其口味纯正,特点鲜明。

据餐厅经理介绍,Mollica Di Pane意为“面包之心”,亦即意大利烘培艺术的精华!意大利美食素以“原汁原味的自然”为特色,这就要求制作面包的整个过程都能保证纯天然手工制作,绝无机械化操作。Mollica Di Pane的另一大特色即是店中出售高品质的进口意大利食品及酒类

Mollica Di Pane不仅是午后小憩的好地方,每到周末还是夜归族的好去处。店中有一道特色甜点“cornetti by night”,是深受意大利人喜爱的传统夜宵点心,佐以一杯香浓的卡布奇诺咖啡,完美的搭配,伴您度过一个舒适惬意的夜晚。每逢周末餐厅都是24小时营业。

同时,刚刚完成全新装修的意式餐厅That’s AMORE位于同一幢楼的5楼,也将举办一场开张庆祝派对。对于餐厅的老朋友来说,全新开张的That’s AMORE将充满惊喜,包括全新布置的花园天台,可以俯瞰整条泰康路的景象。而对于新朋友,这家已经拥有五年历史的意式餐厅全新开张后会在带来层出不穷的新鲜创意同时,又能在意大利老板的管理下继续保持着其浓郁的意大利本土特色与传统。


Mollica Di Pane的全新开张派对以及That’s AMORE意大利餐厅的再度开张派对将同时于2008年11月26日对媒体和VIP举行, 并于2008年11月27日对所有公众举行。精彩不容错过。让我们一起期待吧! 

Mollica di Pane 面包心 / That’s AMORE 意大利餐厅

上海市卢湾区泰康路2001号楼1 / 5

Mollica di Pane 面包心电话: 021-54652069, 54652095

That’s AMORE 意大利餐厅电话: 021-64720925


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